On strong wind days,
Be a playful seagull.
Let the air element
be your carrier,
Not your crasher.
When it tries to blow you to the ground,
Just spread your wings
And float.
Do not resist,
Do not resist.
Surrender to the force of change
And keep your heart open.
Do not allow the wind to awake the overflow of the mind;
And if water comes in,
Let it be cleansing water.
Cool, pure and crystalline water
Washing all over your vessel
And then deeper,
Moving through your mind,
Circumnavigating unnecessary thoughts,
Eradicating them,
Releasing them.
Let the breeze be your vacuum,
Taking over your emotional body
And blowing away all the unwanted restrictions.
Here, mind,
Take my fear,
It does not serve me anymore.
Here, mind,
Accept my grief,
I have already learnt its lessons.
Here, mind,
Embrace this human needs,
I can let them exist without attachment.
And just like that,
The weight drops deep down into the ocean,
Reaching all the bottomed treasures
Hidden since the beginning
Of time
Of breath
Of matter
No desire to be rediscovered, reinvented, reintegrated
Just acceptance,
Just presence.
Resting underwater till the change of times
-There is no end of times,
Just change-
From the silently cocooning deep waters
Little bubbles of peace and trust
Arise to the surface.
Where the wind is blowing
And the seagull is playing.
She spreads her wings,
And trusts.
She does not merely trust the wind,
She trusts herself.
She can surrender her wings
To the wind.
Strong, cold, changing, creative, hypnotically swirling wind
No matter the blow,
No matter the heartbeat
She can afford to fly with it.
She’s got strong wings to fly
That will take her everywhere.
Her heart can bear the wind,
Just as her wings.
Strong, cold, warm, wild, creative, brave, passionate,
Fierce, resilient, sweet, nourishing, caring Woman
The wind blows,
And so does She.
I wrote this in 2022, when i was leaving in a free commune on a cliff around the area of Nerja, Andalucia, Spain 🥲🫀 but that's a beautiful story i will tell in another moment 🎋